Charlie Sheen’s New Winning Slogan: “It Is What It Is”
I’m not sure what has happened to Charlie, but his recent appearance on The Jay Leno Show gives me hope that he may make it yet. He was humble, self effacing, and yet still charming. He told Leno that his last hoorah will be just that. He is out of slogans and admits that he was “Losing” not “Winning”.
Acting cool and collected, he had a look I have seen often in my circles – a little older due to fast times and slightly bewildered having made it through a bender once again alive. I hope his statement to Jay “It is what it is” was picked up in a meeting. I know the AA axiom well, usually invoking it to describe situations not pleasant and in your face that need to be dealt with no matter how difficult or how much they hurt.
You can see his entire guess stint here or just watch the part I am referring to.